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Information Systems

The following extract is taken from an essay produced on the topic of Information Systems

Another case example of an organization that implemented BPR initiatives is described by Paper et. al. (2001). The authors discuss the experience of Honeywell Inc in Phoenix, Arizona. The company specializes in the “production of industrial automation and control (IAC) business units designs” (p.85). The company undertook a long project for improving the performance measurement and reward standards for its employees. From an “all salaried’ culture the company tried to move to a pay for performance basis. Paper et. al., (2001) illustrate the type of difficulties the company went through and which took years to implement. The main organizational changes that are in alignment with BPR have been: 1) Process Mapping, 2) Fail-safing, 3)Team-work, 4) Communication.

Through process mapping the company grouped together the collective processes that were undertaken by the employees in the various manufacturing business plans. The fail-safing strategy was a reaction to the different problems/issues that emerged and how the employees themselves were required to investigate the cause of the problem and provide a timely response. Changes were also made for how team works were recognized for the work output produced and also rewarded. Paper et. al., (2001) state that in the implementation of BPR “Teams have to be rewarded for enterprise value-added activities” (p.95). However, there is acknowledge of how this was a very difficult issue to implement as the control and expertise for the previous years was residing with the managers.

Finally, changes in the communication of the vision to the bottom level of the employees were introduced. The top management set it as its strategic priority to engage in the change processes involved in the different layers of the company. “They have to interact with teams and management to let their people know that change is a priority and that they understand what is being done at the process level to make change happen” (Paper, 2001:95). The authors argue how the BPR has led to successful results for the firm and to an increase of performance and productivity. At the same time the role of the top managers to executing the initiatives were being critical for the successful results.